AmigaOS3.5 (274/967)

From:David Oakes
Date:8 May 2000 at 12:30:51
Subject:Re: Amiga OS 3.5 and Picasso II

Derek Lawson said to

>14mb fast ram on GVP A4008 SCSI controller card

Is there a jumper on the 4008 to put all of its memory into the memory
area outside the autoconfig area? The 4008 could be taking all/most
of the autoconfig memory if it is initialised before the Picasso II,
which is probably why your Picasso II is only working in segmented
mode. For the 1 Meg Picasso II, you only require 1 Meg of the
autoconfig space for it to work in non-segmented mode.

Since you don't really want to buy another graphics card, you probably
aren't willing to buy another accelerator and move all of the memory
from the 4008 to the new accelerator (I have no idea if the Derringer
can take the memory - and map it outside autoconfig space - instead
of having it on the 4008 -> if the Derringer can take all of that
memory, move it there, it would be better, speedwise, to have it
attached to the cpu card instead of the scsi adapter anyway).

Have you tried moving the Picasso II to the closest Zorro slot to the
cpu and the 4008 to the furthest Zorro slot from the cpu slot? What
about the reverse of that? I think that one of those configs should
allow the Picasso II to autoconfig before the 4008, especially since
the 4008 has to already be mapping memory outside the autoconfig area
(since said area only allows 8 Meg of fast mem + 2 Meg chip).

If nothing else works, then you are going to have to remove 7 Meg of
memory from the 4008 in order to allow the Picasso II to have it's 1
Meg of autoconfig space.

>I had the Picasso card working under 3.1 in segmented mode. Picasso96
>would not install in segmented mode. It recognized the card correctly
>and informed me that it would not work in segmented mode. I removed
>the jumper for segmentation and installed the software. Ironically,
>when I boot holding both mouse buttons down and check cards, the
>Picasso comes up defective with segmentation jumper off. When I put
>the jumper on, it reports that the card is working correctly.

This description is what leads me to think that your problem is about
autoconfig memory allocation. IIRC, it has been a long time since P96
supported the Picasso II in segmented mode (if it ever did).

David Oakes | /// Member: |
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